Lighting & Colour
What is happening
Coraline finds Wybies cat
- She looks confused because she doesn't know who's cat this is
Technique - lighting
- cold
- natural coming from the sun behind the clouds.
- dull
colour - cold
- dark
- grey
- black
effects on the viewer - feels boring, don't want to be there
feel/think boring, dull lifeless.
Directors purpose - Set the mood that the real world is boring & empty
(theme) - makes the other world more appealing
- looks can be deceiving - is not actually a bad place to be.
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In this shot of Coraline also with the cat, the lighting and colour are used effectively to show the theme, that looks can be deceiving. This is demonstrated by lighting and colour and with the wide shot, it makes the audience feel that they don't want to be to that place because it is cold and cloudy. This is used by the lighting and colour. The director's purpose was to make the real world seem boring and empty but safe for Coraline. This shows looks can be deceiving because the other world is nice and warm but dangerous while the other is boring and empty but safe.
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