
Friday, July 31, 2020

Science hypothesis & results food test

Complex & simple sugars


Bread: complex 
Apple: simple
Potato: complex
Sugar: simple
Egg White: complex
Milk: complex


I was surprised that milk was a simple

Bread is complex 
Apple is simple
Potato is complex
Sugar is simple
Egg White is simple
Milk is simple

Wasn't here for the sugar finding experiment

Proteins/No proteins


Bread: No protein
Egg: protein
milk: protein
Apple: No protein
Sugar: Yes/No both of us said different answers
Potato: No protein


We were all right and I was so surprised that we did.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Challenges Chart - Film study

What am I learning: I'm learning to recognize the development of characters in films.

How does this show my learning: This shows my learning by giving you the challenges Coraline and The Beldam had to face and reaction to it.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning: I'm wondering how long it took to make these two characters/personalities of these characters.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Coraline Timeline - Plots

What am I learning?: How to explain/identify different key points in a film

How does this work show my learning?: this explained my learning because I had explained most of the plot points in this film giving some extra predictions on what the audience might feel.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?: As I was learning, I was wondering if there was a different plot twist like scary and confidence. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Workshop: 4 How does Music enhance the story?


Chords - Major - written in a major key, happy tone 
               Minor - written in a minor key - sad/creepy tone 

Tempo - Fast - makes it feel energetic, gives movement 
             slow - makes it feel lethargic, boring 

Dynamics - Loud (forte) - feels intense, shocking, builds emotion
                 - quiet (piano) - draw in viewer focus, background 
                 - Changes - quiet to loud - builds intensity/energy
                                  - to quiet - drains intensity/energy.

song 1 - happy mood/islander vibe - fast speed/ Major Key
song 2 - sad/lonely vibe/in the secured mood - slow speed/ Minor key

Diegetic Sound - sounds added to a film e.g music, explosions
nondiegetic Sounds - sounds that occur naturally - wind in trees
                                                                              - footsteps 

Opening scene - Minor but it has a happy tone to it but creepy and insecure
- The tempo/moderate is fast gives energy, movement 
- and the dynamics changes - focus, builds intensity

Mouse Circus

Chord - minor - unsettling, creepy
Tempo - Fast, furious, energetic
Dynamics - Loud - happy, playful, grabs attention

Ghost Children behind the mirror
- Chords - minor - tone, creepy, low - works well with ghost howls
                              and scattering rats sounds.
- Tempo - Slow - a moment where it picks up, lethargic, lazy,
- Dynamics - swells loud, quiet - creates focus moments.



Monday, July 20, 2020

Matariki Crossword

Today I have made a crossword containing 10 keywords about Matariki. 

Matariki is the seven sisters which means 'tiny eyes' or 'mothers eyes' 
The children of the earth mother Papatuanuku and sky father, Ranginui, were divided over whether to separate them and bring light and life to the earth.

In traditional times, Matariki was a season to celebrate and to prepare the ground for the coming year. Offerings of the produce of the land were made to the gods, including Rongo, the god of cultivated food. This time of the year was also a good time to instruct young people in the lore of the land and the forest. so that's why it was important to celebrate it.

The most highlight I did for Matariki was making this and getting to know my family tree.

Friday, July 3, 2020

My story about White blood cells

My friends and I were chilling waiting for action but wait, an alarm has gone off. I and my friends quickly went looking for the virus. We were all splitting up looking for the source around the body.

Quick intermission. I’m a white blood cell, but my scientific name is Leukocytes or Leucocytes Our job is to fight infections. Like, bad bacteria, viruses, and fungi. But we only live up to 3 days, just enough time to sacrifice our lives for the human body. Anyways back to the story.

The body was hit by a normal cold nothing special or new. We already know what this cold is.

The common cold is a viral infection of your nose and throat. It's usually harmless Here is how we take down an invader.

Effector cells act to get rid of the invader. Plasma cells, bind to invading bacteria and viruses and help eliminate them from the body.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Workshop 3: Follow Up Task : SEXXXY Paragraph


Lighting & Colour

What is happening
Coraline finds Wybies cat 
- She looks confused because she doesn't know who's cat this is

Technique - lighting 
- cold 
- natural coming from the sun behind the clouds.
- dull

colour - cold
- dark
- grey 
- black

effects on the viewer - feels boring, don't want to be there
feel/think boring, dull lifeless. 

Directors purpose - Set the mood that the real world is boring & empty
     (theme)          - makes the other world more appealing
 - looks can be deceiving - is not actually a bad place to be.
SEXXXY Paragraph 

In this shot of Coraline also with the cat, the lighting and colour are used effectively to show the theme, that looks can be deceiving. This is demonstrated by lighting and colour and with the wide shot, it makes the audience feel that they don't want to be to that place because it is cold and cloudy. This is used by the lighting and colour. The director's purpose was to make the real world seem boring and empty but safe for Coraline. This shows looks can be deceiving because the other world is nice and warm but dangerous while the other is boring and empty but safe.